"For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come." (Heb. 13:14)
If there ever was a time that this verse has proven to be true, it is NOW. This world has become increasingly uncomfortable for its inhabitants with its crime, sickness, uncertainty and callousness that pardons no one.
The writer of Hebrews unveils the final destination of the saints of God in this simple but profound verse thus making us aware that this earth is not our final resting/dwelling place.
If there ever was a time that this verse has proven to be true, it is NOW. This world has become increasingly uncomfortable for its inhabitants with its crime, sickness, uncertainty and callousness that pardons no one.
With this in mind, all servants of God Most High should have need to turn their eyes upwards because our redemption draws nigh, in fact, "knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light." (Romans 13:11-12)
Since the days of the prophets and more so in our times, the Lord has been speaking and revealing to His people far and wide that He is coming and His people must be ready. To that end, our Bishop Gage has received the mandate from the Lord in 2015 to prepare the church for His coming.
Based on the revelations from the Lord, our Bishop has declared 2016, THE YEAR OF KINGDOM READINESS. We are living on borrowed time and we are actually in a race against time because the Bride of Christ is not ready to receive her Bridegroom.
It comes down to our preparation to be ready for the flight. It is now not just a matter of being prepared but it is also the time to take our seats on the flight because the Lord is coming for a church that is ready and waiting for the flight to take off.
The time has run out, the harvest is ripe and the Lord is ready but he is still interceding on our behalf and for His people to be kept in this world (see St. John 17).
The question now is "Do you have a seat for heaven?"
I pray we are all ready
ReplyDeleteOnto the artist that put all of these things together you are doing a beautiful job keep up the good work God bless you