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Thursday, 4 February 2016


At the dawn of the day
The height of slumber
The shadows steal souls away
I leave the warmth and arms of comfort
To search for you each and everyday
At moment's notice
I'm swept away by the thoughts and memories of you
Filled, yet I hunger
For my heart knows
No other can love me the way that you've promised
And that you truly do
The days grow longer and my heart seems to wonder
Oh when will I truly find you
If time could be frozen
Events revisited
Then my steps would always lead me closer to you
Close enough to subdue the fears that clutches at my mind
Close enough to keep you near when life becomes fierce and friends unkind
Close enough to keep me strong through temptation and battles I thought I've already won
Close enough to take me home
Where only those who had truly love will never know any fear

Author: Stephanie Sutherland Souza


The world, full of rioting, full of godless pleasure is asleep.  Asleep in carnal security.  Men are putting afar off the coming of the Lord.  They laugh at warnings.  The proud boast is made,  "all things continue as they were from the beginning.  Tomorrow shall be as this day, and much more abundant." (2 Peter 3:4; Isaiah 56:12)

We will go deeper into pleasure loving, but Christ says, "Behold I come as a thief. (revelation 16:15).  At the very time when the world is asking in scorn, "Where is the promise of His coming?".  The signs are fulfilling while they cry "peace and safety", sudden destruction is coming.

When the scorner, the rejecter of truth has become presumptuous, when the routine of work in the various money making lines is carried out without regards to principle, when the student is eagerly seeking knowledge of everything but his Bible, Christ comes as a thief.

Author: unknown

Tuesday, 2 February 2016


Can anybody hear me?
Can you hear me?
If so, can you understand me?
Why, why, why, why do I feel so hurt inside?
Is there any solution to my problems
If there is, can anyone tell me what it is
'Cause I'm at my whit's end
I need a friend, a counselor
I need a mentor

That man you say
That can help me
What's His name, Jesus, is it?
He understands, He gets it?
He knows just how I feel when I try to hide it

This Man-He's the greatest problem solver
The best heart mender
He can fix my shattered world
He can rid me of my hurt

I must see this Man, I must talk to Him
I really think He can cleanse me within
How do I talk to Him, How do I reach Him?
All I have to do is pray , you say?
Is He really always near?
And will always understand my tears
If so (and I think it is)
I will talk to this Man today
So He can take my pain away

Author: Sis Renee Morgan

Monday, 1 February 2016


The place where I feel safe is always inside
Where no one takes away your dreams
And your imagination can run wild
It's that place where you are at your best
The place where each heart and soul is finally at rest
Where no envy, no strife separates
That place that knows love and never hate
Where friends once taken live forever with You
Where death has no power
For memories paint pictures so plain, so true

It's that secret place of wonder
Mysteries and adventure
Shared by those who are given the grace to experience life's splendour
So I'll leave the troubles of the now
Throw misery to the wind
And go at times to that place deep within
Where I live to be the queen in my own world
And am made joyous by the Father
My Lord and King
Who gives me His love and heavenly home
Where I shall live forever with Him

Author:Stephanie Sutherland Souza


Often are the times I've cried
Because of all the hurt I feel inside
Never much considering
All the times that I hurt Him
Not once, not twice, but many times
From His love I walked away
But He never stopped thinking of me
No, not even for a day

In anger, bitterness, rebellion and stubbornness
I'd say to myself, "He's allowed my life to be a mess"
And even through all this
It was plain for everyone (even the devil) to see
That He still loves me
Puzzled, wondering why He would
Forget about the bad and focus only on the good
And in His such great mercy be so forgiving
Of the wayward life that I'd been living
And in times when I thought no one was near
He was like so close, He was always there
Just waiting for the moment when finally I'd see
That He still loved me

So now what must I do
With love so magnificent, so heavenly, so true
Do I turn away once again
From He who wants to be my Father, my Brother, my Friend

Yeah, right
I'm gonna live for Him and let shine my light
So that He can see and everyone can see
It isn't for nothing that He still loves me

Author: Sis Renee Morgan


The world is silent
The night still
The fading feeling of anxiety washed away
Set adrift by hopes of fulfilment
New and heart stirring dreams
Destiny awaits but I am ready for the chance of tide
For the gentleness of the once rough and aggressive sea
For the freshness of spring, of the dawn of day 
My lips pursed
My mind restless
My inner most being unsettled
For what the human eye is unable to see 
Speaks audibly to the fears that paralyze the needy soul
Let love be perfected
Let grace be shown
For its that time in life when the truth is finally known
As frail as the whisp in the wind is man's existence
Once was and never to be again


Author: Stephanie Sutherland Souza


"For here have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come." (Heb. 13:14)

The writer of Hebrews unveils the final destination of the saints of God in this simple but profound verse thus making us aware that this earth is not our final resting/dwelling place.

 If there ever was a time that this verse has proven to be true, it is NOW.  This world has become increasingly uncomfortable for its inhabitants with its crime, sickness, uncertainty and callousness that pardons no one.
With this in mind, all servants of God Most High should have need to turn their eyes upwards because our redemption draws nigh, in fact, "knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light." (Romans 13:11-12) 
Since the days of the prophets and more so in our times, the Lord has been speaking and revealing to His people far and wide that He is coming and His people must be ready.  To that end, our Bishop Gage has received the mandate from the Lord in 2015 to prepare the church for His coming.
Based on the revelations from the Lord, our Bishop has declared 2016, THE YEAR OF KINGDOM READINESS.  We are living on borrowed time and we are actually in a race against time because the Bride of Christ is not ready to receive her Bridegroom.
It comes down to our preparation to be ready for the flight.  It is now not just a matter of being prepared but it is also the time to take our seats on the flight because the Lord is coming for a church that is ready and waiting for the flight to take off.
The time has run out, the harvest is ripe and the Lord is ready but he is still interceding on our behalf and for His people to be kept in this world (see St. John 17).

 The question now is "Do you have a seat for heaven?"


In addition to this year being dedicated to readiness, it is also one of EVALUATION.  Our Overseer Gage called us to attention that though we are gifted people, it is not the gift that will take us to heaven.
The way we lived last year cannot be carried forward into this year, we have to change, God is calling us to change.
We are living in the technological era and there are so many distractions which are aided by the enemy in order for us to lose sight of the things of the Lord and to get caught up in the world but we ought not to learn the ways to the world nor take part in the practices of the heathen.

She said since the early days of AJAN Fellowship the Lord spoke to us about celebrations such as Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day and strictly prohibited us from partaking and doing anything which celebrates and glorifies these pagan practices.

This is the Word which the Lord gave and it is the premise on which we do not celebrate Christmas
Hear ye the word which the Lord speaketh unto you, O house of Israel: Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven for the heathen are dismayed at them.  For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman with the axe.  They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not." (Jer. 10:1-4)
The world has no place in the lives of the children of God and earlier in the year, the Lord spoke to our Overseer that the world needs to get out of the church.  We cannot get attached to the world and its vices neither can we fall in love with it. 

We cannot trifle with our souls anymore, we no longer have that luxury.  It is the year of serious introspection and running into the Lord, assessing ourselves and seeking the Lord while he may be found.

The Lord will not tarry much longer and we have to wake up, "Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest and arise from the dead and Christ shall give thee light.  See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.  (Eph. 5:14-16)